We’re adjusting the site structure to accommodate former FSGenesis Galaxy Lifetime memberships, which will be honored here, and arranging the distribution infrastructure in preparation for the initial release of Toposim Continents: Africa. North Africa mesh is in final testing phase before being packaged for release and distribution before the end of the week, and now available for special pre-order pricing. We are also developing the roadmap for Toposim Africa, to be soon published, including detailed coastlines, landclass, hydrography, and Airport Terrain Adjustment Packs (ATAPs) as new layers of development. Completed Toposim Africa will be the “go-to” product for those who want to explore the wonders of this fascinating continent. Bookmark us, join us, and check back often for progress and updates . . .
So, lots of work to do here, and I’ll now get back to it . . .